Meet the DEI Committee

Hannelore (she/her) 🇬🇮 🇺🇸 🌈

Hannelore is a Talent Partner in the Embedded Germany team and has been with ACELR8 and the DEI Committee since 2021. She speaks Spanish, French & some Italian and has lived in 4 countries.

“DEI has always been important to me, and to see diversity not just preached but practiced in ACELR8 at the top levels of leadership was a big factor in my decision to join the company. Since joining the DEI committee, I have been involved in redefining ACELR8’s vision and initiatives for DEI, and making sure we are constantly adapting based on what our employees value and which topics are important to them. We are dedicated both to improving DEI and the experience of all ACELR8ers internally, as well as improving our awareness, resources, and capacity to promote diversity & inclusivity and hire diverse candidates for our clients’ companies.

I am particularly experienced with LGBTQ+ and gender diversity topics, including non-binary and gender nonconforming identities - if you are interested in discussing, sharing, or learning more about these topics, feel free to send me a message on Slack!”


